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DIY electrical work

DIY electrical work in Bristol

A recent survey sent to UK householders reveal the risk that the householders take when they carry out electrical work in their home. Whilst some DIY electrical work is not illegal , it does require some common sense and a good level of competence.

DIY electrical work like replacing a broken / cracked socket or swapping a light in your living room like for like can be done by the home owner - but that is if you are confident in doing so!These little jobs may seem simple but can you ensure it has been done safely, for eg. ensuring that the earth and live conductors are continuous or if you are swapping a light fitting ; does the new fitting require an earth connection ? does the lighting circuit have a continuous earth?

However some householders are breaking the law by carrying out electrical projects in their homes. There is several problems with this, such as there is no guarantee that the work is safe nor its been certified meaning that your home and family is potentially at risk or you may have problems selling the house in the future.

It also seems that a lot of people are still not aware of the building regulation Part P, despite huge public campaigns highlighting the importance of using registered Part P electricians.

The statistics for injury's and deaths in the UK resulting from poorly installed or DIY electrics shows there is a growing concern that there is a lack of understanding and safety regarding electrics

It does appear that DIY electrical work such as rewires , fuse board changes and outdoor power is an attempt to save money. Whilst I do understand the situation I would still recommend using a registered electrician.

There are many times I have been called out to repair DIY electrical work and I have seen a countless amount of bad electrical work in Bristol carried out by home owners and builders that could potentially cause injury to the householder, in some instances the faults or injuries does not happen instantly , it can happen a few years down the line - which is very worrying.

In 2012 the Electrical Safety Register had been launched where the public can search a database of registered , competent electricians which we are proud to be on it, and I would strongly advise anyone who is looking for an electrician to use this data base

Link to the registered database


We are registered electricians in Bristol and have the relevant insurances and qualifications,all our work is backed by a 6 year NAPIT guarantee.

Call today on 0117 321 6406 for a free, no obligation quotation.

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!! Take Care When Selecting an Electrician !!

Many electricians in Bristol are simply not interested in the small jobs.They want the choice jobs and will drop you when a bigger,supposedly more lucrative project comes in.

Others advertise as electricians having no qualifications.They thrive on the basis that you don't understand what they do and as a result charging for shoddy,and often dangerous electrical work.

I set up Burridge Electrical to provide you with a quality service and provide you with exactly what you need from a qualified electrician.

Your Trusted Local Electrician

Burridge Electrical - Electrician covering Bristol and the surrounding area

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Telephone : 0117 321 6406

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